The North Carolina State Statute on Guardianships makes a provision for some corporate entities to serve as guardian for individuals who have been declared incompetent. Corporate guardianships are often used when there is no family who can serve in this capacity for an individual, or when family disagreements are such that a neutral party needs to be assigned responsibility for healthcare decisions.
Corporate Guardianships
Who We Serve
Caregiving Corner can serve as Corporate Guardian for aging individuals and disabled adults over 18. Our CEO, Jennifer Szakaly is a National Master Guardian, the highest level of guardianship certification that one can obtain. This designation is held by fewer than 100 guardians across the country.
Our fees for serving as corporate guardian are submitted to the courts on an annual basis and can be provided to any interested party. Because Corporate Guardians are paid appointments, our fees are typically discussed with some or all parties during a guardianship hearing to see if our services would work within a person’s budget.
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We are generally appointed in the Courts of Mecklenburg and surrounding counties in North Carolina, but our clients may live outside of this area for temporary purposes.
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If you are serving as a Guardian ad Litem, petitioner’s counsel, or respondent’s counsel and would like to know more, please contact our Nationally Certified Guardian, Jennifer Szakaly, at 704-945-7170 or for more information about our Corporate Guardianship services.
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